Hi Everyone!  My name is Pete and this is me with my one and only, Debbie.  Yes, we are actually REAL people!  We hail from a tiny, rural town in the middle of a cornfield near Buffalo, NY.  We have 3 kids and we own a vending company that offers healthy options for schools and businesses.  We also happen to be fanatical about pizza, though we do take a cautious approach to our indulgence.  Our preference is for a pie with as many health benefits as possible (which is possible!).  Our kids love any pizza, and while we love the taste of a variety of pizzas, we try to stick with whole wheat or potato crusts with organic ingredients from our small farm.  We’ve had a few serious health scares which made us re-evaluate our diet.  That being said, we LOVE artisanal pizzas with unconventional ingredients with an organic, healthful twist, and pizza in moderation is a staple for our family.  That’s why it seemed like a natural fit to talk about something we love, care about, and is part of our (almost) daily lives.  I really hope we can help you as you invest in a product that will help satisfy your culinary curiosity and make pizza making easier, tastier and far more fun!

A favorite of ours: thin crust pizza and water kefir


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